Serving North Cadbury, Yarlington & Galhampton
North Cadbury & Yarlington Parish Council
Our Parish Council serves two civil parishes - North Cadbury (which incorporates Galhampton and Woolston) and Yarlington. In practice the Parish Council treats the two parishes as a single whole, but in law they are separate and one can work independently of the other if it wishes to. The Parish Clerk is the only official and is the best first point of contact for any Parish Council matter. The clerk works part time, therefore, please allow up to 48 hours for a response to any query.
The Parish Council considers all planning applications in its area on site. As a general rule on site planning meetings commence at 2.00pm on the second Monday of each month in the autumn/winter and at 5.00pm on the second Wednesday of the month in the spring/summer. Members of the public are very welcome to make their views known when they see planning application notices posted in the villages and are advised to contact the clerk in the first instance. The Parish Council does not decide planning applications. Its functions are to make the Local Planning Authority aware of local views and wishes.
The Parish Council is funded from the 'Parish Precept', one of the four
elements and much the smallest of them that goes to make up the Council
Tax. Unfortunately the precept is likely to rise in the coming years,
partly because of the change of responsibility for maintaining play and
sports facilities, partly because we expect Somerset Council to pass down other responsibilities as it experiences more
and more difficulty in balancing its own budget and partly because
the Government now requires parish councils to have rather larger
The Parish Council works closely with the two Somerset Councillors who represent the Castle Cary Division both of whom regularly attend Parish Council meetings.
Do please let the Parish Council know about anything to do with our villages that concerns you. If the Council cannot do anything about it they probably know who can.